The Butchery of Islam - Unpleasant realities
140 Teachers, Schoolchildren Butchered by the "Religion of Peace".
ISIS "Religion of Peace" Slaughters 150 Females in Iraq for Refusing to Marry, have Sex With Them.
Isis releases 'abhorrent' sex slaves pamphlet with 27 tips for militants on taking, punishing and raping female captives
More on Islamic Sex-Slavery of "Infidel" Women
I felt to post these unpleasant articles out, because reading them brought my blood to such a boil, my heart shattered that such things were possible, and I felt I had to do something, anything, to oppose it, even if limited to informing others about it who may not have seen the reports. And in fact, they are regrettably only a few such reports out of dozens or hundreds which flood the more accurate news websites -- if such reports are new to you, then I say, stop chewing lotus or smoking pot, and wake up, Biedermann!
A new book was recently recommended to me on this subject, detailing Somali culture, which is among the most disturbed and violent of all the Saharasian tribes, made worse by the widespread addictions to hashish and qat.
The World's Most Dangerous Place: Inside the Outlaw State of Somalia, by James Fergusson
I've already written an extensive book on these subjects, entitled Saharasia, which most will know about. It has been affirmed and re-affirmed over the years by actual events within the desert region of Saharasia proper, the most recent events doing so once again, regrettably.