Correspondence: On Bions, Biogenesis, Cancer Biopathy and Brownian Motions
From James DeMeo, PhD
Recently I received several letters asking about Wilhelm Reich's discovery of the bions, their origins and development, and on the subject of Brownian motion, the jiggling of small particles in water, as seen in the light microscope. These prompted development of the following general response, a bare-bones summary with reference material for the modern day student of biology, and professionals. Some new information is also provided.
Free-floating bions from a preparation of autoclaved grass.
Over a five-year period in the mid-1990s, my institute, the Orgone Biophysical Research Lab (OBRL) sponsored annual Summertime lab seminars on "Bions, Cancer Biopathy and the Reich Blood Test". I was part of a team of professionals who made the lectures, microbiological preparations and demonstrations of bions and bionous processes, using high quality sterilization and ultra-filtration equipment, and the best light-microscopes available. These included a Leitz Ortholux light microscope and a Reichert microscope of the same model used by Reich in his original experiments (donated to OBRL by Dr. Morton Herskowitz, with other apparatus donated by Dr. Robert Dew and Dr. Louisa Lance). Both of these microscopes had the best-available color-compensated apochromatic objectives and eyepieces, and were able to image living preparations down to 5000x.
A review of bions made from sand, clay, iron filings, disintegrated moss and grass, and from blood or tissues, were made as a matter of course over the several days of those annual Summer seminars, with many photographs. Their motional properties were also studied and captured on videotapes. Eventually I gave a lecture, "Contemporary Bion Research: Support from Modern Biology", given at the Second International Symposia on Pleomorphism in 2000, showing various color images as recorded through the microscope during those seminars. An article on those seminars was also published in 2002, in the OBRL journal Pulse of the Planet #5: Heretic's Notebook, detailing the procedures and results, with photomicrographs of the samples we routinely prepared and observed: "Bion-Biogenesis Research and Seminars at OBRL: Progress Report"
Eventually I prepared a YouTube video some years after the OBRL seminars, compiling various photos and video sequences made during the seminars. This video includes a few sequences of bionous motions of sand bions, or the rotation of bionous clumps en-process to formation of protozoans. One most simple demonstration comes by placing a small quantity of ordinary quartz-dust in tap water, producing a most intensive jiggling and dancing of the bions. A similar powerful motion is seen in the chylomicrons (sometimes called somatids, I call them food bions) in blood plasma. See here:
Those seminars provided the opportunity to replicate some of Reich's more complex bion experiments, as well as simpler ones. Over the years our team instructed around 130 students and professionals in the basic preparation techniques and processes for observations of bions, the bionous organization of protozoa, and also techniques and procedures for the Reich blood test.
As to the Brownian motion itself, there were a few points not included in the summary article I mention above, but which suggested these motions are not the product of temperature alone, or even primarily. Bions obtained from different materials expressed this jiggling motion at different intensities, based mostly on size and composition, and irrespective of temperature. The most intensive motions were observed in quartz powders, or glacial rock dusts, as sometimes used by innovative farmers and foresters for soil health.
While we never tried the obvious experiment to influence bion motions with an orgone accumulator, there were anomalous variations in the motions observed on many occasions which had nothing to do with temperature, and which strongly suggested orgonotic parameters. For example, in the cool mornings, it was typical for the bions to show a strong movement and jiggling as seen in the light microscope -- the preparations were a tiny bit of rock dust in ordinary tap water, placed on the microscope stage with a cover slip, viewed at various magnifications from 500x to 2000x. However, around 4 PM or so, which is the peak temperature of the day, the bions on those same microscope slides would frequently just lay down on the bottom of the slide and do nothing, in violation of a direct temperature-motion relationship. One small particle might occasionally lift up from the bottom and dance around for a few seconds, but then settle back down to the bottom of the slide. The same slide would show an absence of motions during the night, but vigorous bionous motions would reappear the next morning and day, though never in direct proportion to temperature.
This phenomenon might be explained in observations seen in the To-T experiment, the temperature anomaly in the orgone accumulator, which showed its strongest magnitude of effect at the peak noontime hour, but not at the time of peak daily temperature, in the later afternoon. Even though completely isolated from direct solar heating influences, there were no correlations between the max-min of To-T differentials, or max-min of bion motility, to the max-min of day-night temperatures. The timing of peak intensities of documented experimental observations in To-T, and the observed anomalies in bion motility, suggest a causal
common functioning principle in solar excitation and lumination of the Earth's orgone energy field, peaking out around the time of Solar Noon, and to which both bion motility and the accumulator interior temperature were responding. Of course, this hypothesis needs experimental testing and verification before it can be considered secure. See:
"Experimental Confirmation of the Reich Orgone Accumulator Thermal Anomaly"
One must also realize, the bions themselves are highly-charged vesicles of life-energy, and Reich called them orgone energy vesicles based upon his early observations of sand bions, which produced a strong bluish and highly anomalous radiation with biological properties. Such bions are most obviously seen in preparations from beach sand, quartz dust or clays, heated over a torch to glowing incandescence, or from some kinds of slow biological disintegrations as with grass in water. They produce well formed ovoid shapes, like tiny robin's eggs of about 1 micron diameter, and nearly always with a glowing bluish interior and bluish energy field, which are excited into lumination by the microscope light source -- and even more vividly blue when viewed in natural Sunlight, or (with eye protection) in UV-supplemented microscope light sources. Living red blood corpuscles also show a bluish energy field under color-corrected optics. Bions from iron dust are somewhat different, also ovoid like a robin's egg, but red in color, and in my experiments were generally clustered together like grapes on a vine.
When two bions approach each other, they frequently are attracted together and create luminous blue-colored bridges between them, after which they rarely separate, but dance around together. This led Reich to suggest the phenomenon of orgonotic lumination to explain both the color intensity and the attractive force. This was one of several lines of evidence noted by Reich that the excited orgone energy had a bluish color with other unusual properties in such excited states. Today of course all those basic observations and laboratory experiments have been confirmed repeatedly in many published papers with photographs, no matter how loudly the "skeptics" declare that bions do not exist, or "only Reichians" can see the bions.
My own work has also uncovered newer evidence supporting Reich's views about orgonotic lumination, at least in liquid preparations. Samples of orgone-charged distilled water, by comparison to identical uncharged distilled water control samples, will preferentially absorb light frequencies in the far UV range, between ~240-280 nm. A fluorescence reaction (lumination) in longer wavelengths that encompass the blue frequencies has also been demonstrated. Such absorption and fluorescence reactions do not occur, or occur only weakly, in control water samples. See: "Spectrographic Signatures in Water Induced by Radiant Fields from Enclosures of Various Materials" by James DeMeo, presented to the
9th Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water, 2014. PowerPoint available from:
My observations over those years of the Bion Seminars indicated, the most highly-charged blue bion particles had the strongest movements, suggesting the bion's own intrisic charge determined its motility, all other factors being equal. As Reich noted, the orgonotic parameter in the bions appears to be the motor behind the "Brownian" motions, a point which Robert Brown came close to understanding in his discussion on "active molecules" -- only years later did others (notably Albert Einstein) make the claim that Brownian motion was due to temperature effects alone.
As Reich noted, his work suffered the burden of being "too much" for the average person, including the average scientist or physician. Too many puzzles were solved all at once, and in the bion experiments this is most noteworthy: A solution to the origins of life question. Solving the riddle of the origins of the cancer cell. Discovery of a new and unique biological radiation, the orgone energy. And by my own observations of modern scientific discovery, Reich's work on the bions predicts such things as "apoptosis", or bio-forms in Martian meteorites, or the existence of life deep in the oceans along the hydrothermal vents, where photosynthesis is impossible due to the lack of light, and ultra-hot temperatures which do form bions, would usually predict the absence of living forms.
It is still "too much" for most of natural science and medicine, but there are cracks in the wall of opposition.
Reich's original book on this subject is of course foundational reading:
Wilhelm Reich: The Bion Experiments: On the Origins of Life
Next in one's investigations would be to consult Reich's work on the bionous origins of the cancer cell, in the process of bionous disintegration (termed apoptosis by modern scientists unfamiliar with Reich's work), and subsequent re-organization of bions into new amorphous or structured cellular forms, as detailed here:
Wilhelm Reich: The Cancer Biopathy
Reich's scientific journals also contain additional papers on this subject, by himself and associates such as Dr. Bernard Grad, and they can be ordered from the Wilhelm Reich Museum Bookstore:
There's also a few newer books on the subject of bions, which add additional information to the subject:
James DeMeo, Editor: Heretic's Notebook: Bions, Protocells, Ether-Drift and Cosmic Life Energy. This book carries four different articles on the subject of bions and their properties:
- "Studies on the Origin of Life: The Preparation of Primordial Cell-Like Forms", by Bernard Grad
- "Some Observations on Reich's Experiment 20", by Maxwell Snyder
- "The Sanal Theory of Bong Han Kim: Bion-Like Processes in Acupuncture and Biology", by Dong Chul Kong and Hyun-Won Kim
- "Bion-Biogenesis Research and Seminars at OBRL: Progress Report", by James DeMeo
Peter Jones: Artificers of Fraud: The Origin of Life and Scientific Deception
Roberto Maglione: The Motions of Life: Was Einstein Really Modelling Brownian Movement?
All of these titles, by Reich and the others, are available from the OBRL Bookstore:
Also a new one on the subject of Reich's bion experiments was just published by Harvard University Press - a copy to OBRL is now en-route, and we hope to publish a separate Review of it soon.
James Strick, Wilhelm Reich Biologist.
The OBRL bookstore does not yet have copies of the Strick book to offer, but it is now available from various brick-and-mortar, or online booksellers.
James DeMeo, PhD
Director of OBRL
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell
New book: "In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: Opposing the 80-Years' War of Mainstream Defamatory Slander Against One of the 20th Century's Most Brilliant Physicians and Natural Scientists", by J.DeMeo