Wednesday, May 13, 2015

New Magazine, Science to Sage, including Article on James DeMeo's Cloudbusting Research

Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, Inc.  (OBRL)
A Non-Profit Science Research and Educational Foundation, Since 1978.     
Ashland, Oregon,  USA    James DeMeo, PhD, Director    
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New Magazine Science to Sage,
with current issue devoted to the subject of water innovations,
including article on James DeMeo's Cloudbusting Research

There is a new magazine, Science to Sage, the latest issue of which includes many articles on water-related innovations.  I was asked by the editor, Karen Elkins, to contribute something on my applications of the Reich Cloudbusting methods against severe droughts, a program of research which began with my early work at the University of Kansas back in 1977, and continues today in efforts to obtain funding support for a project working against the severe California drought.

While not a comprehensive report, the article presents the basics, and is worthwhile as a bare-bones introduction.  You can download a free copy as PDF, or read it online, at these two websites:


My article, entitled "The Reich Cloudbuster Method", begins on page 70.  For long-time OBRL subscribers, there is nothing especially new revealed in the article, but it is always refreshing when this controversial research subject is taken seriously and presented in a friendly manner.

For more information on my cloudbusting research, see the weblinks in the article or as given in the other weblinks in this email.

My personal thanks to Karen Elkin for her open-minded and gracious invitation for the article.

James DeMeo, PhD


Meanwhile, mark your calendar for the forthcoming late-August OBRL Seminar in Ashland, Oregon.  Preregistration required, so make your plans early.  If interested, reply back with a request to be added to the special Seminar Mailing List for updated information.


Weekend Seminar on



Emphasizing New Research Supporting Reich.

Ashland, Oregon, USA

Primary Seminar over 29-30 August, Saturday and Sunday, 2015
at a Seminar Room near downtown Ashland, close to hotels, restaurants

Friday Evening Social at the nearby OBRL facility on 28 August
plus viewing of the OBRL Orgone Accumulators and Orgone Energy Darkroom
on the weekend evenings and nights

Optional Field Trip to nearby Crater Lake National Park on Monday 31 August
Bluest Water in the World!

Instructors: James DeMeo, PhD, and Thomas DiFerdinando

Sponsored by the Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory (OBRL).

More information is given here, along with topics covered and registration details:


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"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell

New book:  "In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: Opposing the 80-Years' War of Mainstream Defamatory Slander Against One of the 20th Century's Most Brilliant Physicians and Natural Scientists", by J.DeMeo


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