Thursday, September 10, 2015

Arctic Has Gained Hundreds Of Miles Of Ice The Last Three Years

Arctic Has Gained Hundreds Of Miles Of Ice The Last Three Years

Here's an interesting report, from the North Pole.

We know the southerly Antarctic Ocean has been covered with very large and thick sea ice levels going back decades, even while the northerly Arctic Ocean had lost much sea ice. The Antarctic observations always confounded the predictions of the CO2 hysterics, about doom and gloom of global melt-down and boiling oceans. Now comes evidence that the Arctic Ocean is rebounding, regaining much of its lost sea ice over the last three years. By the reports this is thick, multi-year sea ice, suggesting it will be quite recovered and expanded over the coming winter.

Another Big PC Lie bites the dust, as natural climate cycles show a better explanation than the claimed effects from anthropogenic CO2 emissions.

Arctic Has Gained Hundreds Of Miles Of Ice The Last Three Years

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell

In Defense of Wilhelm Reich:
Opposing the 80-year's War of Mainstream Defamatory Slander
Against One of the 20th Century's Most Brilliant Physicians and Natural Scientists


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