Monday, October 12, 2015
Treaty of Versailles Myths, and Non-Payment of German War Reparations.
I am posting this material as part of a discussion elsewhere on 20th Century history, which should be of wider interest.
The claims about the Treaty of Versailles as the cause of German economic collapse after the end of WW1, thereby triggering a widespread economic disaster in Germany and popular resentments against the Allies, is falsified history. The amounts required for payment by Germany to the nations they destroyed were never paid in any significance. After making some initial payments, Germany borrowed money from British banks to stabilize their economy and make the Versailles penalties. But almost immediately they began reneging on payments, delaying, complaining, obfuscating, paying only some amounts, blaming the Allies, etc. and that was years before Hitler and the Nazis began screaming that Germany's economic problem was due to bankers, Jews, and the Treaty demands.
When Hitler got power in 1933, he quickly renounced further payments, and also reneged on repayment of the British loans. So the Brits got stuck with the financial loss, and the original cause of the German economic disaster -- the bankruptcy of Germany by diverting all financial and material resources into destructive war-making -- was obfuscated under a blanket of Nazi lies. An aggressive war of conquest which the German Kaiser and generals thought would last only a few months had dragged on for years, leaving the nation at the edge of bankruptcy and destitution, their military machine exhausted and populations malnourished. And yet, not one bomb had fallen on their own territory, and their armies marched home after the war with banners waving as if they were the victors. When the harsh reality of their military defeat on the battlefield and bankrupt condition began to sink in, opportunists began screaming about having been "Stabbed in the back!", Hitler being the most successful of those propagandists, but he wasn't alone. It was a widespread sentiment, though totally without a factual basis.
After the disasters of WW2, the European Left and Right continued with the Hitler lies about Versailles as a handy weapon against Capitalism and/or Democracy, each turning the story to their own convenience. They did the same on many other issues. But the myth of the Versailles Treaty's "draconian demands" has since become a part of the more official history of WW2, which everyone repeats from each other, just as the leftist narrative tries to place the USSR in the role of "victim". Neither is true. In fact the Soviet traitor Lenin had made secret alliances with the German High Command as early as 1922, towards making a joint cooperative conquest of the world, working with Germany to rebuild both their war machines, years before the Hitler-Stalin Pact made a public revelation about it. Trotsky and Stalin were also in on the deal, and many "peacemaker" Germans such as Stresseman were a part of the deception.
James DeMeo, PhD
- George Orwell
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