Monday, November 16, 2015

Special Offering: Natural Love, by Emanuel di Pasquale

Special Offering: Natural Love, by Poet Laureate Emanuel di Pasquale

This is a wonderful uplifting Christmas gift, for others or self, a wonderful literary Oasis from the chaotic world situation, even while detailing the struggles natural love must endure.  It touches the heart and soul.

Natural Energy Works is now offering a free copy of Natural Love with any order of $100 or more of other books and products.
This is a special free offer only for those on our social media lists.
Just mention "Natural Love Free Offer" during checkout!
This offer will continue through Christmas.

Natural Love can also be ordered from any of the Amazon (.com .ca), Barnes & Nobel, or other internet bookstores internationally (do a search for "Natural Love Pasquale") or by special order from streetside bookstores.
It can also now be ordered with international free shipping from the Book Depository:
Here is a short review of Natural Love in Quo Vadis.


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