Four New Educational Videos, James DeMeo & OBRL
There are several new video items available, of possible interest. Two are on YouTube, and the other two on Gaiam TV.
This first one is a preliminary introduction to my lecture presentation from an early October invited lecture to the 10th Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water, in Varna, Bulgaria. In reviewing it, I surely look fatigued, from a 28-hour plane ride from OBRL in Ashland, Oregon, hop-scotching across the USA and Europe to the final destination in Varna, on the southern Black Sea coast.
* #1 James DeMeo, Intro to Water Conference, Varna, Bulgaria 2015
Following then is a video of my full lecture, "Restoring the Life-Properties to Atmospheric Water: A New Method for Ending Droughts, Tested in the USA, Israel and Africa"
* #2 James DeMeo, Full Lecture at Water Conference, Varna Bulgaria, 2015
I have two additional interview videos with Regina Meredith at Gaiam TV. They are wide-ranging, covering Reich's biography, his sex-economic and orgone-biophysical work, my Saharasia research, plus my other orgone energy experiments, and discussions on results of major cloudbusting projects in the USA and overseas.
* #3 James DeMeo on Orgone Energy (September 2009)
A short Preview is also available of this first interview video on YouTube:
* #4 Persecution of Wilhelm Reich, with James DeMeo (April 2013)
You can view the first two videos on YouTube without charge.
The second two videos can be viewed for a small charge at Gaiam TV. Their monthly plan charges 99 cents for the first month, then about $10 per month thereafter, assuming you want to stay with them. You can cancel in the first month without any further charges beyond the $1, if so desired, paying only $1 for both my interviews. Or stay with them for as long as you wish viewing their other videos.
Please after viewing these videos, consider also helping to fund my research efforts, which do not get any kind of support through the usual research-funding channels. You can do so by purchase of my books through (do a search on my name) or (for International), or by going here:
You can also support my work by making a direct donation to the non-profit Orgone Biophysical Research Lab (OBRL), and also get a tax-deduction from your federal taxes. Also consider making a bequest to OBRL in your Testament.
In any case, enjoy these new videos, and have a wonderful Christmas and New Year's Holiday.
James DeMeo, PhD
Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Ashland, Oregon, USA
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell