Discounted Sales on Saharasia
We have several boxes of Saharasia at our facility in Oregon, and wish to sell them out at a discounted offering to OBRL subscribers and Facebook friends. The list price is $39, though it is offered here or there for a bit less. We are now offering, to USA customers only, to sell these for $10 each, but payment must be made by check made out to me personally, and mailed to the address given below. This purchase cannot be completed via our shopping cart or by PayPal. These are brand-new author-signed copies, an excellent gift for the holidays, or for yourself if you haven't already got it, with no limitation on the number you can buy. This offer will be valid until New Year 2017 or until they sell out -- in which case you will be notified and check returned. So put in your order as soon as possible. Be sure to include your return US Post mailing address and email.
For international customers, Saharasia and all my books can be purchased at the regular price with free shipping internationally from:
James DeMeo, PhD
PO Box 1148
Ashland, OR 97520
"The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it."
- George Orwell