Sunday, December 25, 2016

Your Support Requested, for Orgonomic Science and Research

Your Support Requested, for Orgonomic Science and Research
from James DeMeo, PhD

Dear Friends, Subscribers and Supporters,

For our 2016 Fundraiser, attached is a PDF document that presents many details about my 45 years of work in orgonomy, both before and after the founding of the Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory (OBRL) in 1978.

I appeal to you, the reader and supporter of Reich's research legacy, to review my work as detailed in the following document, which has color photographs and weblinks, and can be downloaded from here:

Your Support Requested, for Orgonomic Science and Research

There are few  research programs of equal productivity and merit underway around the world, with  such a clear and uncompromising dedication to Reich's original sex-economy and orgone biophysical findings. And fewer still with a solid record of fruitful accomplishment, of experimental verifications and applications of Reich's discoveries. The PDF document gives a good overview of this record, as well as a discussion of newer projects and research underway, needing your support and assistance.

The OBRL Laboratory, Seminar and Office Building
in the mountains near Ashland, Oregon, USA.
Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, Inc., is an IRS-approved non-profit foundation, and all donations to it are tax-deductible.  Your support is both necessary and critical, for continuance of my efforts, going directly towards the OBRL research program.  Please review our PDF and consider to donate now, as you are able.  See here:

OBRL Donation Page (using PayPal, but they also accept your credit card)

You can also donate by check made out to "OBRL" and mailed to:
Dr. James DeMeo, PO Box 1148, Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA.

Please also consider to remember OBRL in your Testament.  If you wish to personally discuss our needs and goals, please send an email to me, via "demeo at mind dot net", for initial contact.

A purchase of our books also is helpful in keeping my work moving forward, and now is a good time if you have been delaying to get them.  See the left-side column, here:

Thank you for your support.

We wish you all the very best, for a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays and Merry Solstice celebrations, and for a thriving and productive New Year 2017.

James DeMeo, PhD
Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Ashland, Oregon, USA


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