Thursday, January 26, 2017

Seminars in Detmold and Ashland, On Track!

Seminars in Detmold and Ashland, On Track!

To my friends and supporters, and those newly interested in my work:

My seminars in Detmold Germany (Sunday 19 March) and Ashland, Oregon (Sat-Sun. 12-13 August) are on track and will be held. I have just updated the OBRL Events page with a bit more information. There's now a link there with information on lodging in the local area, as well as info on travelling to Detmold and/or Ashland.
Details are also given on the topics to be covered, my 45 years of personal investigations into the work of Wilhelm Reich (and a few other science heretics), with exacting investigations and experimental proofs of his sex-economic and orgone biophysical discoveries.

More info will be posted on the precise address location of these seminars as soon as the venues are secure. If you are interested to attend either event, please review the details on this Events webpage and give us an email through the address found there, to reserve a spot.

James DeMeo, PhD
PS. The "Danger Keep Back" sign given below is from the edge of Crater Lake, with a long drop down to the water. That lake holds the bluest water in the world. That is a sign of good healthy orgone energy charge, as noted by Reich, and proved out in my own water spectroscopy experiments with orgone-charged water. It is also a euphemism for orgonomy in general, that its truths are often "too hot" for most people to handle, causing emotional discombobulation and vertigo (or as Reich noted, "falling anxiety") especially for those steeped in "normal" politically-corrected scientism and culture. "Dangerous truths"!  Hope you can make it. 

"The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it."
- George Orwell

In Defense of Wilhelm Reich:
Opposing the 80-year's War of Mainstream Defamatory Slander
Against One of the 20th Century's Most Brilliant Physicians and Natural Scientists

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