Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Forthcoming J. DeMeo Seminars in Detmold (March 19), Ashland (August 12-13)

Forthcoming J. DeMeo Seminars in Detmold (March 19), Ashland (August 12-13):

New information has been added to the OBRL Events page, on payment, lodging and transportation to these events.  See here:

If interested to attend, now is a good time to register and make your payment, particularly for the Detmold event.

To Recap, for those who have not seen the prior announcements:

Seminar Topic (both locations):

James DeMeo's 45 Years of Scientific Investigations and Experimental Confirmations of Wilhelm Reich's Sex-Economic and Orgone Biophysical Discoveries, with new findings. Presented by James DeMeo, PhD (English language, no translator)

1. GERMANY: Detmold: Sunday 19 March 2017
The location will be at a meeting room in one of the Detmold hotels, to be decided soon.

2. USA, Ashland Oregon. Saturday-Sunday, 12-13 August 2017
The location will probably be in a lecture room at nearby Southern Oregon University, with other events at the Orgone Biophysical Research Lab facility in the mountains near to Ashland.

For more details, plus seminar Registration and Payment information, go to the revised "Events" page, here:

Thank you!

Orgone Biophysical Research Lab (OBRL)
Ashland, Oregon, USA

"The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it."
- George Orwell

In Defense of Wilhelm Reich:
Opposing the 80-year's War of Mainstream Defamatory Slander
Against One of the 20th Century's Most Brilliant Physicians and Natural Scientists

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