Sunday, December 03, 2017

Please Support Orgonomic Science Research at the DeMeo Laboratory Orgone Biophysical Research Lab - OBRL

Please Support Orgonomic Science Research at the DeMeo Laboratory
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab - OBRL

A personal appeal from James DeMeo, PhD
(Note, the original version of this email contained many interesting photos, which our internet ISP will not allow to be sent.  Consequently they have been deleted.  To view the images and photos, visit the weblinks in this email.)

Dear Friends and Supporters of my work,
Recently I circulated an email with a reference link, detailing a new discovery in orgone biophysics, as made at my laboratory in rural Oregon.  A physical link was identified and proven, not merely theorized, in how the orgone energy accumulator can induce distilled water into a higher state of excitation and organization.  And this excited state of water also yields a subtle blue-colored fluorescence, exactly as Reich spoke about with his term orgonotic lumination. This induced property was identified by spectrographic methods, following a line of investigation I've been following since 2009.  Orgone charged water, I can say with confidence, firstly absorbs far ultra-violet or UV radiation in a strong manner, and then fluoresces or luminates in the near-UV and blue frequencies.   Furthermore, and here is where it becomes exciting, a similar spectrographic "signature" was discovered by biologists in water-solutions of nucleic acids and DNA.  The life-energy, the orgone, is thereby revealed to have profound similarities to the very "molecules of life".   A similar spectrographic signature was also uncovered at OBRL in vigorous rains and snow events, but not in weak drizzles. And this spectrographic property is also something that other scientists have documented in highly-structured water as produced from a variety of laboratory experiments.

You can review my PowerPoint slide set on these findings as recently presented to the 12th International Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water, where I've been an invited speaker several times.

This new work helps to elevates Reich's stature as the scientific pioneer that he was, but it is not the first time my work has verified Reich's research findings, at a high level of scientific inquiry.

A Brief History of My Work

Some of you will know, I was the first university student to earn a PhD degree from a mainstream university where Reich's research was openly investigated.  That was at the University of Kansas, and a 2-year program investigating Reich's cloudbuster was supported while there, providing strong evidence that the device actually worked.

I undertook another major project at KU, to earn the PhD degree, a multi-year cross-cultural and geographical investigation of Reich's sex-economic theory, with multiple new findings in support of his works.  An early period of peaceful human existence under wet and lush, garden-like conditions was uncovered in that study, along with identification of a generally ignored but major climate-change at the c.4000-3500 BC time period.  It was the largest climate change to occur since the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age, turning the large territory of Saharasia (North Africa, Middle East, Central Asia) from a well-watered grassland-forest into bone-dry and hyperarid desert.  Maps of various cultural indicators of infant-trauma, sex-repression, social violence and organized warfare were produced, affirming one of Reich's most central findings on their correlations, and proving out their causal nature by geographical mapping methods.  That work integrated the evidence from several major disciplines - archaeology, history, ethnography, climatology and geography - in a location-specific timeline that was unique to my study.  That body of work was the very largest global cross-cultural study of human sexuality and family life, and related correlates to social violence and war, that had ever been undertaken.  That is still the case today.  The findings were explosive, even more controversial than the cloudbuster study, and later were published as summary articles in several mainstream academic journals, and in a major book:  Saharasia: The 4000-3500 BC Origins of Child Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence, In the Deserts of the Old World.

Many will know, I survived as a young professor teaching at major universities for about ten years, even as the well-funded and organized "skeptic groups" put me in their cross-hairs, for violent slander attacks just as bad as what Reich experienced, except I was never "investigated" by the FDA nor dragged into courtrooms for my unorthodox research findings.  I also had been studying other 20th-Century scientific pioneers whose work was suggestive of a cosmic energy similar to Reich's orgone, such as Harold Burr, Giorgio Piccardi, Frank Brown, Dayton Miller and others, writing various articles that argued for the similarities (and differences) between them.

In 1989, with immense "skeptic-club" hate-attacks, slanders and dirty-tricks, plus a death threat,  hounding my work and personal existence, I went independent and moved to California, struggling for another four years to build up my own private institute, the non-profit Orgone Biophysical Research Lab.  An affordable property was located in the old-growth forested Greensprings region of rural Southwest Oregon, with similar strong and sweet orgonotic qualities as Reich found at his Orgonon, in the forests of rural Maine.

I wrote the popular Orgone Accumulator Handbook, now into its 3rd edition, educating a new generation of young people to the facts of Reich's basic life-energy discovery, with plans on building simple orgone accumulators and blankets, and guidance on their usage.  A new journal was started, Pulse of the Planet, by which to report on my new findings, given the Academic blacklisting and black-out which descended upon my work.

My research with the Reich cloudbuster had continued since the years at KU, and with help from volunteers, major droughts were ended in Illinois, the Southeast USA, the Midwest and in California.  However, no support was ever found for my research on this subject until after going independent.  With a kind donation from Louis Hochberg, for whom the Hochberg Awards program was later set up, a major systematic study of the cloudbuster on pre-determined dates was undertaken in the American Southwestern deserts.  That study showed a distinct rainfall-doubling effect over a broad territory, encompassing Southeast California, Southern Nevada and all of Arizona - once again proving the cloudbuster's influence was exceptional, beyond anything possible through the usual cloudseeding methods. I spoke about that project to major scientific groups, such as the Association of American Geographers, and Association for Arid Lands Studies.  While my lectures on Saharasian climate changes and the cloudbuster were routinely published and presented in scientific forums, the hostility was palpable, given how so much of conventional scientific theory was demolished by Reich's and my findings.  "Reich was a quack", etc., was the usual sour reaction, against which I stood firm to defend both his and my own experimental record.

With spreading word about the results of my experimental work, and continued support from volunteers and donors, I was invited by the governments of Israel to end a major drought there.  The next year, another invitation came from the government of Namibia, stimulated by my friends in Germany with connections to that nation, also suffering from an extended serious drought.  In both cases, of Israel and Namibia, application of Reich's methods resulted in a quick end -- within about 10 days of work - to serious, multi-year droughts.  Shortly thereafter, I was asked to lead a team into the Horn of Africa, into Eritrea specifically, to apply Reich's methods to a serious 30-year drought situation, which had led to a situation of agricultural desperation, mitigated only by international food aid.  Our team applied the Reich methods and within a week, almost as a miracle, the skies began to fill with heavy clouds and downpours of rain followed.  A 30-year drought was ended.  The Eritrean government then invited me to return, on agreement, for a 5-year project and evaluation, after which a public presentation to the scientific community would be made on the results.

From 1994 through 1999, that project was undertaken, eventually spreading excellent rains over the entire region.  Flows down the Nile River were increased such that Lake Nasser behind the Aswan High Dam in Egypt filled for the first time since its construction in the mid-1960s.  Lake Nasser eventually was filled to over-flowing, with excess waters shunted out its spillways into the open Sahara Desert, where five gigantic new lakes - the Toshka Lakes - swelled so large one could not see across them to the other side.  While a regrettable war situation developed shortly thereafter between Eritrea and Ethiopia, forcing an end to our project, the results were overwhelmingly spectacular, and constituted a major proof of Reich's methods and genius. Today, unfortunately, the Toshka Lakes are nearly dried up, as the wonderful increase in rains over the period of our work in Eritrea ended two years after the last operations ended.  The region has gone back to drought and war-chaos.  But you can still see remnants of the Toshka Lakes on Google Earth, or in historical materials.

Reports on all these projects were published and I gave lectures on them at different scientific-scholarly societies, with data analysis of their results to prove out the exact dates when the atmospheric changes and onset of rains occurred.  The social reactions to all these projects, sadly, was one of disbelief, silent back-turning and walking away, or outright hostility bordering on violent emotional explosions.   With few exceptions, I retired from the cloudbusting work, save for a failed fundraising effort to end the severe California/Southwest droughts, which seem to endlessly recur.

Throughout this period of exhausting international work, in some of the world's most stagnated droughty and desert regions, efforts continued towards replication of Reich's laboratory findings on the orgone accumulator and the orgone energy itself.  In this direction, my efforts at the new OBRL facility in Oregon allowed for improvements not previously possible in equipment and facilities.  I produced new experimental proofs, bullet-proof from classically-known objections, for Reich's findings on the following:

* A new water evaporation-suppression and humidity effect was documented in the orgone accumulator that was not present in control experiments.

* A replication of Reich's basic bion experiments, with color microphotographs that were later shown to an International Symposium on Pleomorphism, with published paper and YouTube video.

* The slight warming, thermal anomaly in the orgone accumulator, Reich's To-T experiment which was the center subject of his contact with Einstein, was approached in a new experimental protocol, proving it was a real effect and no artifact.  The To-T effect always stood as a challenge to the 2nd Law of thermodynamics, and my work proved it out in ways more robust and bullet-proof to the usual criticisms than the prior good studies, revealing its central relationship to orgonotic lumination produced by the Sun, but not to daily temperature variation.

* Reproductions of the electroscopical discharge anomaly, wherein a static electroscope is slowed in its discharge rate inside an orgone accumulator with open door, by comparison to a cardboard box with open door.  The electrical density inside the accumulator is stronger than in open air, or inside other non-accumulating enclosures, even when the doors are left open for free air circulation.

* Reproduction of the vacuum-GM effect, wherein a Geiger-counter tube soaked in an orgone accumulator would yield variations in its count-activity, by comparison to an uncharged one.  My work on this used specialized neutron-counting GM apparatus, thereby suggesting a relationship between orgone energy to the neutron, as the possible "glue" for atomic nuclei.

* I also made the first photos of a blue-glowing VACOR tube since Reich's time, finding also they could be brought to lumination point merely by stroking with the hand.  One electrophysicists who visited the OBRL and witnessed this effect declared "That Can't Happen!"

* A three year study of orgone-charged mung beans showed they would sprout more quickly and to longer lengths than an un-charged group of beans from the same source, with an approximate 40% growth increase.

* I've also undertaken small experimental and historical investigations along the lines of the old ether-drift experiments.  A sensitive GPS device was evaluated at OBRL over several years, indicating its "drift error" was something systematic, related to geographical and cosmical coordinates.  Several of my research papers re-evaluating the early ether-drift experiments, showing many of them did in fact detect a cosmic ether, have been published.  Notably, I have shown how the variations in those ether-drift experiments yield results fully congruent with Reich's cosmic coordinate system as published in his milestone work Cosmic Superimposition.

Several of my new books have also been published in recent years, beyond Saharasia and the Orgone Accumulator Handbook, often with an historical outlook.

* In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: Opposing the 80-Years' War of Mainstream Defamatory Slander Against One of the 20th Century's Most Brilliant Physicians and Natural Scientists

* Marx Engels Lenin Trotsky: Genocide Quotes. The Hidden History of Communism's Founding Tyrants, in their Own Words.  This work was produced as a warning to contemporary "Reichians" who often seem more Marxist than Reichist, as well as to youth culture who too-frequently carry the sentiment that "Communism is Cool".

Beyond all the above work and activities organized through the OBRL - the overseas expeditions at drought-relief, the laboratory experiments, the publishing of new books and articles, giving lectures at scientific conferences - a series of summer educational seminars was launched during the 1990s and attended by many professionals and young students alike.  Up to three weekend seminars and a guided independent study program were offered each summer at OBRL over many years.  Invited guest lectures were also given at OBRL by others in scientific or medical orgonomy, and on related matters... the list would be too long to easily summarize.  Today, these seminars are restricted to one weekend summer event every two years at OBRL.

For those with interests in the exacting details of my work, I have posted PDF copies of my research papers and PowerPoint lecture slides to the big website, where they can be obtained for free readings and downloads.  Here:
What I find most amazing is how my 90 research materials on this website are already being read and downloaded by a great many mainstream academics and university students, placing me within the top 1% of the many millions of global members.  I believe it is not an exaggeration to say, my work is stimulating a resurgence of interest in Wilhelm Reich's science among more open-minded university faculty and students, as well as among the very many independent researchers.  A similar situation has developed on the smaller but influential website, where my materials are also posted for easy access.
I've also created a YouTube channel, as a means of public education and standing up to the "skeptic clubbers", which today has around 600,000 item views and more than a thousand followers.

None of this public attention was planned out, it merely happened in the course of doing focused serious experimental work, speaking plainly to the facts when opportunity allowed, making my publications and research findings available to the public, and not concealing my strong interests in the subject of Wilhelm Reich and his orgonomic science.

Research at OBRL Today

Today, my work is primarily devoted to laboratory research, writing and lecturing when the opportunity presents itself.  But all this new work is limited by the absence of funding.  While OBRL in the past acquired funding sufficient to launch overseas projects, and to construct the main laboratory building, mostly this work has developed out of my own financial resources, supplemented by donors who valued my research productivity.  I only very rarely received funding support from governments or mainstream institutions.  Which is why today I am reaching out for donor-support of my new research and investigations.  This appeal is not oriented towards emergency cloudbusting work, as I have made in the past, but rather for support of new laboratory research, now underway and planned for the future at OBRL.  Allow me to briefly discuss that.

I continue to investigate the subject of spectroscopy and how the orgone accumulator can affect the optical characteristics of water and open air.  New spectrographic equipment is sorely needed to make those investigations, to supplement the excellent spectrographic equipment already used for the water-structure findings.  An effort is currently underway attempting to identify the spectral characteristics of open air, inside and outside of the orgone accumulator, which requires a completely different set of instrumentation.

A new effort was also initiated towards replication of Reich's orgone motor.  Along that line, over decades I experimentally confirmed many studies on atmospheric electricity and similar factors, even reproducing some of the old Tesla experiments. With some disappointment, I also reviewed the larger subject of "free energy", finding most of the claims to be over-estimated.  This included a few large claims being made about the orgone motor itself.  A more serious scientific approach will obviously be necessary.  Over years I've also studied electronics, something I did as a teenager in constructing amplifiers and radio equipment, a hobby of sorts which today finds application in construction of new circuitry for orgonomic investigations.  I've acquired several of the old spinner motors Reich used in his original orgone motor experiments.  And in related studies, the phenomenon of gravitation as Reich detailed in a few of his last publications, is under renewed experimental investigation.

At the moment I am writing a research paper on the new spectrographic findings, as described in the opening paragraph of this letter.  A new book on the ether-drift experiments, and the similarities between the older cosmic ether of space, and the cosmic orgone energy, is in preparation.  As Reich noted, the older theory of cosmic ether was a useful concept, prematurely discarded.  The evidence I uncovered indicates it was discarded for political, and not scientific reasons, and that many diverse scientists have independently measured the cosmic ether, plotting very similar astronomical vectors of ether-drift.

Also for the future will be a long delayed book on my cloudbusting experiments, and the controlling nature of the Saharasian Desert Belt on global climate, detailing how this will change the atmospheric sciences.  Also delayed, my "Update on Saharasia" book.  An abundance of new research findings, but less time available for writing than I would desire.

My research into Reich's work and related concepts has been focused and on-going now for 40 years, and the OBRL facility is an excellent place where this research will continue for many decades into the future.  New findings along these new paths as laid out for myself could result in additional new findings of an "earth-shaking" nature.  I hope you will join with me in this quest and adventure, helping to fund the research, to attend my seminars, and to purchase and enjoy the books and research materials as are periodically offered to the public, as many of you have in the past.  And if all the material presented above is new to you, then truly you must get on the OBRL mailing list for future notifications, as is available through our OBRL-News Yahoo Group:
It is not a discussion group, to eat up your time, but an occasional one-way notification channel from OBRL to you.

Your Support is Necessary, Critical, and Much Appreciated

Today I ask those who are able to make a donation for the future of orgonomy, to help fund my research and sustenance of the good work being undertaken at OBRL.   If everyone reading this could give a $100 or greater donation, based upon the several thousand people on my mailing lists, that would bring a sum sufficient for OBRL needs over many years into the future, and all necessary equipment needs would be met.  Again, all donations to OBRL this time will be fully reserved for laboratory research here at my institute in Oregon, and not for field work anywhere else.  OBRL is a 501-c-3 non-profit research and educational foundation, approved by the IRS for tax-deductible donations.

Please make your donation as soon as possible, for funding of this important research.

You can donate by using our on-line webpage:
You can use your credit card to make a donation through PayPal, which does not require membership to use their service.  They also allow recurring payments, where for example a $25 per month donation would be very helpful and appreciated.

You can also send a check or money-order, made out to Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, or "OBRL", to the following postal address:
PO Box 1148, Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA

Also consider to make a bequest in your will to OBRL.

Contact me directly if you have questions or wish to make a donation by bank-wire.

And for this Christmas-holiday season, consider to give the gift of knowledge, and purchase our books, for your gift-giving.  They are all found on or other big on-line bookstores, or can be ordered at most street-side bookstores.  A listing of the titles with covers can be found here:

You can also get them from our own on-line bookstore, Natural Energy Works:

Please share this email with your friends and social networks.

With every good wish for Christmas, Hannuka, the Holidays and the 2018 New Year,

Thank you,

James DeMeo, PhD

Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Ashland, Oregon, USA
e-mail:   demeo(at)mind(dot)net

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