Sunday, April 26, 2020

CORRECTIONS on the "Twenty Science-Based Articles..." posting

To all:

The first of the webinks in my "Twenty Science-Based Articles..." posting, for the "Two California Emergency Room Covid doctors may start revolution with calm, science/data-based questioning of extreme measures" led to a conservative Christian news site, promoting anti-abortion, anti-contraception, etc., many things which I do not agree with. When I first read the article and watched the video embedded within it, that was not apparent. For reasons unknown they have since deleted that video interview, so it now defaults to their home page.  When I first read the article and watched the video embedded within it, this was not apparent.

Anyhow, I found the original presentation by the Two Docs on YouTube:

...and I still recommend it.  Please pass this along if you shared that posting with others.

Or, you can easily reference this posting as it appears on my OBRL Blog at Wordpress, where all the links are now corrected.




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