Saturday, July 31, 2021

Dr. James DeMeo podcast interview on his orgone energy research with Dr. Thomas Cowan

Dr. James DeMeo podcast interview on his orgone energy research with Dr. Thomas Cowan

I was recently interviewed for a podcast by Dr. Thomas Cowan, on the subject of my orgone energy research and experiments.  That video is now available for viewing:

Conversations With Dr. Cowan And Friends Episode 31: James DeMeo

My thanks to Dr. Cowan for the opportunity to present my research findings.
The two books which are recommended at the end of the video can be purchased in the USA directly from my institute's on-line bookstore:

"The Orgone Accumulator Handbook"
"The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space"

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.



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