Friday, August 13, 2021

Australia is a Penal Colony Once More

Australia is a Penal Colony Once More

Red Fascist Australia. First they took away the guns, and now you got this. A lesson for Americans. The Medical Police State forms itself along Red Fascist lines, and we know in the USA how the Anti-Democratic Party is deeply connected to the Communist Chinese via top Democrat pols, and the Chi-Coms to the president's son by a $2 Billion retainer for doing nothing but having the Biden Name. But as Hunter Biden stated in emails, "25% goes to the Big Guy". Meanwhile, world-over, only a few police or sheriffs refuse to enforce such "edicts" (not laws passed by legislations), nor show they give a damn about freedom or human rights. Paid to beat the crap out of their own neighbors and friends, they do so, gladly. Where does it end? Read my book "Marx Engels Lenin Trotsky: Genocide Quotes" and you will know. Get it via most internet outlets.

Get Dr. DeMeo's important and controversial new book, critical of  totalitarian Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence:  COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
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