Saturday, February 01, 2025
The Passing and Future Legacy of Dr. James DeMeo

Dear Friends and Followers of the work of Dr. James DeMeo,
My name is Tom DiFerdinando. I was a close friend and part time lab assistant of Dr. DeMeo's for well over twenty years.
As many of you already know, sadly, Dr. DeMeo has died. While his death has been no secret, there has been no official public announcement of his passing until now. The delay was due to safety, administrative and other practical concerns.
Sometime in the Fall of 2021, Dr. DeMeo discovered something wasn't right, and in Feb of 2022 a scan showed he had developed a colon cancer. The condition was more serious and more advanced than he realized and got out of control. He died on April 3rd, 2022. I was with him at the end, over the last two weeks of his life, and will in time write up the full and tragic details of the situation.
Just to head off any potential questions or misunderstandings, as many have naturally asked, there was no evidence of foul play of any kind. Like I said, I was with him nearly every moment over those last two weeks. He had simply gotten seriously ill, and while tending to too many other important matters in his life at the time, things got out of control and he died. Numerous measures were taken to try and ameliorate the process, but it was too late. It was truly heartbreaking.
At his direction, I was left in charge of administering his estate, and taking over the directorship of the Orgone Biophysical Reseach Lab (OBRL). My main responsibilities were to keep Dr. DeMeo's many excellent books in print, and to protect and eventually make available to the public and interested scholars his extensive archives.
The responsibilities related to the OBRL were part of the reason for the delay in my official announcement. After he died, the number one concern was the safety and security of Dr. DeMeo's lab and archives. Outstanding as his work and research was, it is also no secret he had enemies, as do many workers in the field of orgonomy, Wilhelm Reich's science of the biological, armospheric and cosmic life energy.
My first task was to secure the lab and move the archives to an undisclosed and protected location. Next was to administer the estate, and take the legal steps necessary to make official my new leadership role at the OBRL. In the upcoming weeks, I will post more detail concerning the future of the organization. It is certainly not dead and the work is already continuing.
The focus of the new OBRL will obviously shift, since Dr. DeMeo is gone. However, neither the standards, integrity nor full-on committment to the authentic work and discoveries of Dr. Wilhelm Reich - and now Dr. James DeMeo - will be compromised in any fashion whatsoever. Dr. DeMeo and I were very much on "the same page" in nearly all matters. It was one of the reasons I developed a working relationship with him in the first place. And while he was certainly the senior authority, there was a deep and mutual respect and heartfelt appreciation between us up until the very end.
One last thing I will mention. While his main concern was that his books be kept in print and his archives preserved, Dr. DeMeo pretty much left it up to me as to what I wanted to do with his West Coast lab. He was even ok with me shutting it down; after all, it's main function was to support him and his research.
In the last days of his life, I proposed to move a small version of the lab East, since I live on the East Coast. I said the central goal of the new OBRL would to be to find and inspire a future generation of workers in orgonomy - many of the past leaders and true workers in the field are already gone, and the majority of those who remain are not getting any younger. For that, he gave me his blessing.
Realstically speaking, that "new generation" likely means only a handful of individuals - maybe even only one or two. As history shows, there are few in today's world who have the passion, energy, and deep appreciation for this amazing but challenging science and what it has to offer a troubled humanity. The work is controversial, can provoke emotional challenges within the workers themselves, and is not easy. It is also the only science that links the emotional health of the scientist to the success of the research. As Dr. DeMeo himself pointed out, students of orgonomy tend to be among the best and the brightest.
Reich's science is life-changing. It is amazing, truly exciting and profoundly moving. When working with the life energy one is in essence working with the full reach of our humanity, our creativity and our capacity to love. There is no doubt there are new generations who would love and embrace it, if they only knew it existed! Even though much of the world is armored, malnourished and confused, when not being environmentally poisoned or getting drugged out of emotional contact, orgonomic truth can touch and begin to reaquaint one with one's biological core. Core contact is the key. So the outreach, educational and research functions of the OBRL will absolutely continue, and are already growing and developing.
To that end, I will also be asking those of means who are equally excited about this work and its future potential, and who are moved to help support and contribute to our efforts, to make any substantial contribution they can. Bequests are also a big help, and are part of what supported Dr. DeMeo's work and the growth of his lab over the years. Any amount truly helps. If you are a person of means, please seriously consider to support our work and research by making a substantial donation at the bottom of the OBRL homepage ( ). Any amount is deeply appreciated.
More information to come.
My deepest condolences to those on this list who actually knew Dr. DeMeo, and to all other of his many supporters. He was a major, charasmatic and productive force in orgonomy, and is profoundly missed. My apologies for the long silence. It was truly in the name of preserving and protecting Dr. DeMeo's work and legacy.
Tom DiFerdinando Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab | | Orgone Biophysical Research Lab | PO Box 1148 | Ashland, OR 97520 US | | | | |
Friday, September 17, 2021
Two Events: Forthcoming Seminar/Lecture - please share around
Two Events: Forthcoming Seminar/Lecture - please share around
1. My Forthcoming half-day Seminar at the Arlington Institute in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. In Person event but also live-streamed with replay around the world. I'll be discussing my Wilhelm Reich / Orgone Energy / Cosmic Ether and Atmospheric Research. All Uplifting material, Nothing Depressing, a change off the Covid madness.
2. In addition to the above seminar, I'm invited to give a lecture on my orgone biophysical, cosmic energy and water research, with a separate workshop on building orgone accumulators, at the True Healing Conference: The New Biology, organized by Dr's Andrew Kaufman and Tom Cowan. That event will be a Virtual Conference, and take place on October 9-10. Go to the weblink for full details on the many interesting speakers, including my own details.

3. Note also, my new book on Covid-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and 'Official Truth' Lies, was slightly updated correcting a few last typos and with more recent CDC Data on the VAERS vaccine death and injury statistics. Those data are rather shocking: 14,506 C19 Vax deaths so far this year, with over 600,000 serious adverse events. That number of vax deaths is many times more than the cumulative total of all vaccine deaths from 1990 through 2020. The numbers for the EU are even worse. And nobody in "official" medicine, media or government seems concerned about it in the least, or is saying a peep about it, except to deny any problems. Big Internet meanwhile censors all such evidence, as well as the honest laypeople and professionals who do speak about it. Anyhow, during the update, my book was temporarily unavailable from the various networks of internet book sellers, who work by a Print On Demand system used by our distributor and printer. It is now available again. I can share a new website that monitors the VAERS data in real-time, with lots of useful material:
Please share these Notes with your own social media.
Thanks and good wishes,
Jim DeMeo
Thursday, September 02, 2021
My Seminar at Arlington Institute, Sept.25.
My Seminar at Arlington Institute, Sept.25.
In Person or Livestreamed Globally.
Amid all the bad news, here's some good news. I'm giving an invited, half-day seminar at the Arlington Institute in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, on September 25th. The subject material is
"A More Hopeful Future - Wilhelm Reich's Life-Energy and Cosmic-Energy Discoveries: A key to health, weather, and a revolutionary understanding of how our reality really works."
It will have an emphasis upon my own investigations and verifications of Reich's discoveries, plus my own independent findings on the cosmic ether of space, and the ability of the orgone accumulator to impart a spectroscopically-verified structuring of water charged up inside it. Also my work using the Reich methods for ending droughts in the USA, Israel, Namibia and the Horn of Africa will be discussed. Lots of slides and diagrams from past experiments will be presented, along with some new things never published or presented previously.
People can attend in person, or join anywhere around the world with a good internet connection, with a live-streaming of the seminar. A free introductory video interview with John Petersen, director of the Arlington Institute, is given at this weblink, from which one can find links to get more information on registration, etc.
Info weblinks on this event, and on two other conference lectures I will be presenting later in October and November, are also found on the OBRL "events" page:
Please share this notice within your own circles, as you see best.
James DeMeo, PhD
Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Ashland, Oregon, USA
e-mail: demeo(at)mind(dot)net
Published Articles, Reports, Videos and Books
Sign-up for our Occasional Newsletter:
Dr. DeMeo's important new book critical of Covid19 mass hysteria,
now available for ordering:
COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
"The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it."
- George Orwell
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Updates now mostly on Facebook
For those who have followed my postings to Wordpress, I suggest to start reviewing them on Facebook. I've not had time to do more than post the latest Covid news and my reactions to it on that platform, which is very easy to do. Re-configuring them with images to place on Wordpress (which then gets auto-posted to my Twitter and Blogger pages) simply takes too much time, and so I have not been doing it with any regularity. So my advice is, go to my Facebook page and get those newer informations -- for now at least. Tomorrow FB could censor me fully, but recently with the news about vaccinated people getting NO protection of merit from the arm-jabs, and vaccinated people also creating and shedding the Covid variants from their own bodies, has changed the equation in favor of the "vaccine hesitant" skeptics. And if you didn't know that, then you have additional reason to go to my FB page:
Meanwhile, if you are in Oregon, the following notice may be of interest:
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
'Your Mindless Dictates Will No Longer Be Tolerated!' Sheriff Rips Oregon Governor
'Your Mindless Dictates Will No Longer Be Tolerated!' Sheriff Rips Oregon Governor
Governor Brownshirt, leftist Nazi-Commie in character, hates the people of Oregon, and so inflicts as much damage as possible. Same with the other Nazi-Commie Democrat governors.
Unconscious motivation is no myth! Smiley-faced people, with big grins, superficially pleasing but immobilized faces can also be psychopaths, and are merely covering up a boiling sadistic rage behind their characterological mask. Time to fight back meaningfully, and disobedience is the key word. This Sheriff shows the way, and citizens around the USA should be contacting and speaking to their local Sheriffs, demanding that they draw the line, and obey their sworn oaths to the US and State Constitutions which forbid such anti-freedom totalitarian edicts.
Get Dr. DeMeo's important and controversial new book, critical of totalitarian Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence: COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
Awareness Foundation COVID-19 Roundtable - Physicians speak out on the dangers of C19 arm jab
Awareness Foundation COVID-19 Roundtable - Physicians speak out on the dangers of C19 arm jabs
More deaths from these in the first months of 2021 than who have died from side-effects of ALL vaccines since 1990!
Over 12,000 at bare minimum have perished since late July, a hundredth of which would have halted them completely in prior years.
Awareness Foundation COVID-19 Roundtable
Video reposted at Substack due to pending censorship.
Originally posted at Mercola with text summary:
Get Dr. DeMeo's important and controversial new book, critical of totalitarian Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence: COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
Biden Regime Says Anti-Maskers, Lockdown Resisters, And Trump Supporters Are Huge Terrorist Threat
Biden Regime Says Anti-Maskers, Lockdown Resisters, And Trump Supporters Are Huge Terrorist Threat
Dare to hold opinions different from the corrupt and destructive Democrat Party, and you are a terrorist! More details in the several items below on my timeline.
Get Dr. DeMeo's important and controversial new book, critical of totalitarian Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence: COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
The French Just Aren't Having Macron's Tyrannical Apartheid Health Passports - Massive Protests All Throughout France!
The French Just Aren't Having Macron's Tyrannical Apartheid Health Passports - Massive Protests All Throughout France!
The Untold Story you won't know about if you watch the Big Liars of the mainstream media. Police will be radically defunded this time around, for acting like Nazis. Be prepared for a shocker, that the most brutal sadistic police units are recruited among thugs in the Muslim districts.
Get Dr. DeMeo's important and controversial new book, critical of totalitarian Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence: COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
Saturday, August 14, 2021
The 'Vaccine Hesitant' & 'Conspiracy Theorists' a Domestic Terrorism Threat - New Homeland Security Report Implies
The 'Vaccine Hesitant' & 'Conspiracy Theorists' a Domestic Terrorism Threat - New Homeland Security Report Implies
New American Gulag and name-lists forming up? By the definitions of the new "terrorism" it seems to be fingering anyone who is not a Democrat, Communist, Progressive, pro-vaxxer, Antifa, BLM or similar. So that leaves the conservatives, Trump supporters, religious people (excluding Muslims, of course), natural foods and natural medicine advocates, and Libertarians. They would turn the USA back in time, into a partitioned USA, free states and slave states, while calling it "freedom"
Get Dr. DeMeo's important and controversial new book, critical of totalitarian Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence: COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
Friday, August 13, 2021
Are the unvaxxed the 'New Jews'? CDC Has Quarantine Camps in mind, already to go?
Are the unvaxxed the 'New Jews'?
Who are the "new Jews" and who are the "new Nazis"? Mass insanity grips the world.
CDC Has Quarantine Camps in mind all ready to go?
And in case you did not know, according to this article, the serial liars and totalitarian freaks at the CDC do indeed have plans already drawn up for forced incarceration in quarantine camps of the unvaxxed and disobedient. It seems the "Conspiracy Theorists" were right all along.
Here it is, cloaked in Orwellian double-speak. Note the update, July 2020: "Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings"
More general info:
Get Dr. DeMeo's important and controversial new book, critical of totalitarian Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence: COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
The Road to Totalitarianism
The Road to Totalitarianism
Here's an essay about the Medical Police State in Europe, a bit more advanced than here in the USA, but is headed in our direction like a swarm of cruise missiles, launched from Washington DC.
Get Dr. DeMeo's important and controversial new book, critical of totalitarian Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence: COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
This Is 1938: First, They Came for the Unvaccinated. The time before the nightmare.
This Is 1938: First, They Came for the Unvaccinated.
The time before the nightmare.
Read it. This is the New Normal, a deep mentally-ill sickness, promoted and created by the Medical Police State, an abnormal and deadly situation. Wake up.
Get Dr. DeMeo's important and controversial new book, critical of totalitarian Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence: COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
Australia is a Penal Colony Once More
Australia is a Penal Colony Once More
Red Fascist Australia. First they took away the guns, and now you got this. A lesson for Americans. The Medical Police State forms itself along Red Fascist lines, and we know in the USA how the Anti-Democratic Party is deeply connected to the Communist Chinese via top Democrat pols, and the Chi-Coms to the president's son by a $2 Billion retainer for doing nothing but having the Biden Name. But as Hunter Biden stated in emails, "25% goes to the Big Guy". Meanwhile, world-over, only a few police or sheriffs refuse to enforce such "edicts" (not laws passed by legislations), nor show they give a damn about freedom or human rights. Paid to beat the crap out of their own neighbors and friends, they do so, gladly. Where does it end? Read my book "Marx Engels Lenin Trotsky: Genocide Quotes" and you will know. Get it via most internet outlets.
Get Dr. DeMeo's important and controversial new book, critical of totalitarian Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence: COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
Healthcare professionals app Doximity promises crackdown after doctors are accused of sharing "misinformation"
Healthcare professionals app Doximity promises crackdown after doctors are accused of sharing "misinformation"
Part I: Exposing how the cut-throat compromised doctors are organizing to punish and destroy the humane and honest doctors who dare criticize the various unscientific mandates for masking, vaccines and so forth.
Get Dr. DeMeo's important and controversial new book, critical of totalitarian Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence: COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Mass Psychoses - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
Mass Psychoses - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
No humor in this one, but illuminating on how entire societies go insane. Communism. Nazism. Middle-Age Christianity. Islam over its entire history. A full list would yield a bloody review of human history starting 6000 years ago, after the great drying-up events of c.4000-3500 BC, when the Great Saharasian Desert Belt formed in human pre-history, turning a huge swath of wet and lush geography into parched bone-dry desert, also desertifying human emotion and character structure. Reich wrote about German and Soviet societies collapsing into collective mental illness in his Mass Psychology of Fascism, and other discussions on the Emotional Plague of mankind. He did so, even while temporarily self-blinded about the fundamentally Emotional Plague nature of Marxism-Leninism, something he corrected later in life. He's not mentioned in this video, which draws upon insights and quotes from others (including Jung, which must be prior to his going Nazi). I also wrote much on how entire nations can go insane with hatreds and violence, drawing upon Reich, in my Saharasia book.
This video is an adjunct to those prior materials, touching upon both older and newer historical periods of widespread collective human insanity. The graphics are astonishing and alarming, and spot-on! It is a warning about the contemporary situation of the world's one-time democracies, now descending into totalitarianism via crooked elections and the manufactured Hell of Covid Hysteria. And the puppet masters in the video are no mere illusions either, as we know from the new class of unelected billionaire dictators running Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, etc - the educated will know them as partners with the Communist Chinese and the Anti-Democratic Party. That our crookedly elected President is a demented soul, run by his own totalitarian puppet-masters, is historically apropos, as known in prior epochs of totalitarian rule. Nice to see we are not alone in this struggle, that large swaths of society see what's going on, and find it an alarming point of resistance and action.
Get Dr. DeMeo's important and controversial new book, critical of totalitarian Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence: COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
Eat the Cookies! EAT THE COOKIES, OR ELSE!!!
Eat the Cookies! EAT THE COOKIES, OR ELSE!!!
Eat the Cookies. Right Now. Eat them. EAT THE COOKIES!! EAT THE DAMN COOKIES!!!!
On Rumble, of course, too outrageous for YouTube to tolerate.
Get Dr. DeMeo's important and controversial new book, critical of "Cookie Eating" Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence:
COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
Sunday, August 08, 2021
Covid-19 Survivors Have Broad, Longer-Term Immunity
Covid-19 Survivors Have Broad, Longer-Term Immunity
Truth. Conventional medicine and the acronyms (CDC, WHO, NIH, FDA) try to deny strong immunity and herd immunity can come from natural infection, but that is simply Not True. Share widely.
Get Dr. DeMeo's important and controversial new book, critical of Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence:
COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
Are Covid Countermeasures Working? Here's what the Data Reveals
Are Covid Countermeasures Working? Here's what the Data Reveals
Excellent video. Dr. Mercola interviews Ivor Cummins on the arm jabs. Conventional medicine and the acronyms (CDC, WHO, NIH, FDA) try to deny strong immunity and herd immunity can come from natural infection, but that is simply Not True. Watch it quickly as due to repressions Mercola is deleting all his posts after 48 hours. Share widely.
Get Dr. DeMeo's important and controversial new book, critical of Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence:
COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
Monday, August 02, 2021
Prepare to Protest or Buy More Toilet Paper: White House Drawing Up 'Solemn' Lockdown Speech
Prepare to Protest or Buy More Toilet Paper: White House Drawing Up 'Solemn' Lockdown Speech
It is coming. New World Order. Great Reset. Communist Oppression. Call it what you will, being vaccinated will not protect you, everyone is going to be locked down, and police forces recruited to become Nazi Brownshirts, just as we see today in Germany - where old people in peaceful protests are beaten by cops with clubs down onto the ground, to "protect their health". Nobody will escape this violent Red-Medical Fascism.
Get Dr. DeMeo's important and controversial new book, critical of Covid19 theory, mass hysteria and deadly lockdown lunacy, before it too, is censored out of existence:
COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
Sunday, August 01, 2021
Something Truly Remarkable is Unfolding in France, And It's Starting to Feel a Little "King Louis-ish"
Something Truly Remarkable is Unfolding in France, And It's Starting to Feel a Little "King Louis-ish"
Tyrants beware, the peasants are in revolt, and will be just as merciless against you as you have been to them.
Get Dr. DeMeo's important and controversial new book, critical of Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence:
COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
Medical Schools Are Now Denying Biological Sex
Medical Schools Are Now Denying Biological Sex
No big surprise, give the MDs enough money and they'll cut off any healthy body part you want gone. News yesterday was the AMA was all in on the genderism castration of youth. But just you wait until they gain government legal protection to castrate your kids... against their will, and against the parent's will... based upon some crummy junk-science genetic screening. They are licking their chops at the spectre of MDs bossing the public around, to get vaccines, to test with junk-science PCR for this or that. They push the "genetic causation" and "viral causation" of diseases way beyond any rational scientific proofs! Time for a full-bore revolt against the MDs and their political and media enablers who brought us Covid, Lockdowns, etc., and who push "genderism" and other barbarisms. Remember also the organizations of physicians who DO NOT support this junk science, join them for building support networks. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons ( being the oldest medical organization in the USA, is opposed to most of the Covid panic and junk science, as well as that of "genderism" - they take the physicians oath very seriously: "First Do No Harm". I don't agree with all their positions, but a line must be drawn against these horrific, Medieval and clinically-insane trends.
Get Dr. DeMeo's important and controversial new book, critical of Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence:
COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
YouTube Suspends One of Biden's Biggest Critics in International Media: 'The Fox News of Australia' Sky News
YouTube Suspends One of Biden's Biggest Critics in International Media: 'The Fox News of Australia' Sky News
Helping the Biden Crime Family to better cover-up their crimes, and to silence all opposition. USSR? Red China? Cuba? North Vietnam? North Korea? Name one communist nation that DOES NOT do such horrible censorship, plus severe punishments of dissenters (lengthy prison terms, execution)? As per the censorship article already posted below, Europe is now subjecting their "free" peoples to severe fines or prison sentences for daring to oppose government policies. Democrat Party in the USA is also moving in this direction, with vaccine passports and the like, and zero-tolerance for scientific debate on their necessity. Censorship is now a part of the American (and Canadian, UK, Australia, EU, etc.) landscape, like never before in our history.
Get Dr. DeMeo's important and controversial new book, critical of Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence:
COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
Saturday, July 31, 2021
INCREDIBLE! Massive Protests Worldwide Against China Virus Vaccine Passports
INCREDIBLE! Massive Protests Worldwide Against China Virus Vaccine Passports
The "papers" that broke the camel's back. Leftist Governments may fall, which if they don't back down would be a good thing. Also ask yourself, if your favorite lefty news outfit allowed you to learn about this, or not. I would bet, not.
Get Dr. DeMeo's important and controversial new book, critical of Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it is censored out of existence:
COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
Dr. James DeMeo podcast interview on his orgone energy research with Dr. Thomas Cowan
Dr. James DeMeo podcast interview on his orgone energy research with Dr. Thomas Cowan
I was recently interviewed for a podcast by Dr. Thomas Cowan, on the subject of my orgone energy research and experiments. That video is now available for viewing:
Conversations With Dr. Cowan And Friends Episode 31: James DeMeo
My thanks to Dr. Cowan for the opportunity to present my research findings.
The two books which are recommended at the end of the video can be purchased in the USA directly from my institute's on-line bookstore:
"The Orgone Accumulator Handbook"
"The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space"
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
Friday, July 30, 2021
Make No Mistake. You Are Living Under the Perfect Censorship.
Make No Mistake. You Are Living Under the Perfect Censorship.
We who have lived in communist countries recognize the signs: American freedom of speech and thought are hanging on by a thread.
READ IT. No excuses. Or just admit you love Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and the rest of the totalitarians.
Get Dr. DeMeo's important and controversial new book, critical of Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it is censored out of existence:
COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
Maryland Nurse Reports On Vaccination Catastrophe
Maryland Nurse Reports On Vaccination Catastrophe
Facebook threatened to nix my account if I dared to post this video, of a front-line nurse speaking truth to power, RE: the experimental mRNA vaccines. Watch it, and then ponder how much like Communist China we become. Times are getting very dangerous indeed, but not from co video. If you haven't already, get my book which will summarize all these kinds of problems, not only with the vaccines but mostly with the entire Covid-19 body of theory and claimed "fact". As in the title, "a pandemic of ignorance, fear, hysteria and 'official truth' lies." And please share this and my other posts, to both those in the Rebel Alliance, and to supporters of the Evil Empire.
Get Dr. DeMeo's important new book critical of Covid19 theory and mass hysteria:
COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from
They offer low-cost or free international shipping.
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
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