Sunday, May 28, 2006

More Muhammed Cartoons - Hang On to your Hat

More Muhammed Cartoons - Hang On to your Hat

It seems Harpers Magazine is showing some spine. I continue to have mixed feelings about them. They published the original Brady smear articles attacking Wilhelm Reich, which helped to stimulate the eventual burning of Reich's books, and his death in prison, and they never made any public apology about it. They also published several other items, in recent years, making horrid ridicule of Reich's findings.

On the more positive side, they broke big medical taboos by publishing the Celia Farber article critical of AIDS orthodoxy, and will now expand its venue and take on the Muslim fanatics. I am informed the June issue Harpers will carry an article by New York cartoonist Art Spiegelman, apparently focused upon press self-censorship, and it will carry the original 12 Jylands-Posten Danish Muhammed cartoons which caused so many Mulsim heads to explode.

But it seems, firstly we will see lots of Infidel heads explode, as witnessed in Canada, where the largest bookstore chain "Indigo Books" has now refused to carry the June issue of Harpers. Probably they will continue to carry the Koran, however, which advocates murder, deception, invasion, theft, etc., but no cartoons!

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