Saturday, April 26, 2008
Global Warming Swindle, Update
John Stossel's report on Global Warming
Congressman Barton with Al Gore at a Congressional Hearing
Dr. Patrick Michael and Jerry Taylor - Some Inconvenient Facts on Global Warming
EPA Chief Vows to Probe Global Warming Email Threat
Thursday, April 24, 2008
An Ice-Age Cometh?,25197,23583376-7583,00.html
Sorry to ruin the fun, but an ice age cometh
Phil Chapman | April 23, 2008
THE scariest photo I have seen on the internet is, where you will find a real-time image of the sun from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, located in deep space at the equilibrium point between solar and terrestrial gravity.
What is scary about the picture is that there is only one tiny sunspot.
Disconcerting as it may be to true believers in global warming, the average temperature on Earth has remained steady or slowly declined during the past decade, despite the continued increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, and now the global temperature is falling precipitously.
All four agencies that track Earth's temperature (the Hadley Climate Research Unit in Britain, the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, the Christy group at the University of Alabama, and Remote Sensing Systems Inc in California) report that it cooled by about 0.7C in 2007. This is the fastest temperature change in the instrumental record and it puts us back where we were in 1930. If the temperature does not soon recover, we will have to conclude that global warming is over.
There is also plenty of anecdotal evidence that 2007 was exceptionally cold. It snowed in Baghdad for the first time in centuries, the winter in China was simply terrible and the extent of Antarctic sea ice in the austral winter was the greatest on record since James Cook discovered the place in 1770.
It is generally not possible to draw conclusions about climatic trends from events in a single year, so I would normally dismiss this cold snap as transient, pending what happens in the next few years.
This is where SOHO comes in. The sunspot number follows a cycle of somewhat variable length, averaging 11 years. The most recent minimum was in March last year. The new cycle, No.24, was supposed to start soon after that, with a gradual build-up in sunspot numbers.
It didn't happen. The first sunspot appeared in January this year and lasted only two days. A tiny spot appeared last Monday but vanished within 24 hours. Another little spot appeared this Monday. Pray that there will be many more, and soon.
The reason this matters is that there is a close correlation between variations in the sunspot cycle and Earth's climate. The previous time a cycle was delayed like this was in the Dalton Minimum, an especially cold period that lasted several decades from 1790.
Northern winters became ferocious: in particular, the rout of Napoleon's Grand Army during the retreat from Moscow in 1812 was at least partly due to the lack of sunspots.
That the rapid temperature decline in 2007 coincided with the failure of cycle No.24 to begin on schedule is not proof of a causal connection but it is cause for concern.
It is time to put aside the global warming dogma, at least to begin contingency planning about what to do if we are moving into another little ice age, similar to the one that lasted from 1100 to 1850.
There is no doubt that the next little ice age would be much worse than the previous one and much more harmful than anything warming may do. There are many more people now and we have become dependent on a few temperate agricultural areas, especially in the US and Canada. Global warming would increase agricultural output, but global cooling will decrease it.
Millions will starve if we do nothing to prepare for it (such as planning changes in agriculture to compensate), and millions more will die from cold-related diseases.
There is also another possibility, remote but much more serious. The Greenland and Antarctic ice cores and other evidence show that for the past several million years, severe glaciation has almost always afflicted our planet.
The bleak truth is that, under normal conditions, most of North America and Europe are buried under about 1.5km of ice. This bitterly frigid climate is interrupted occasionally by brief warm interglacials, typically lasting less than 10,000 years.
The interglacial we have enjoyed throughout recorded human history, called the Holocene, began 11,000 years ago, so the ice is overdue. We also know that glaciation can occur quickly: the required decline in global temperature is about 12C and it can happen in 20 years.
The next descent into an ice age is inevitable but may not happen for another 1000 years. On the other hand, it must be noted that the cooling in 2007 was even faster than in typical glacial transitions. If it continued for 20 years, the temperature would be 14C cooler in 2027.
By then, most of the advanced nations would have ceased to exist, vanishing under the ice, and the rest of the world would be faced with a catastrophe beyond imagining.
Australia may escape total annihilation but would surely be overrun by millions of refugees. Once the glaciation starts, it will last 1000 centuries, an incomprehensible stretch of time.
If the ice age is coming, there is a small chance that we could prevent or at least delay the transition, if we are prepared to take action soon enough and on a large enough scale.
For example: We could gather all the bulldozers in the world and use them to dirty the snow in Canada and Siberia in the hope of reducing the reflectance so as to absorb more warmth from the sun.
We also may be able to release enormous floods of methane (a potent greenhouse gas) from the hydrates under the Arctic permafrost and on the continental shelves, perhaps using nuclear weapons to destabilise the deposits.
We cannot really know, but my guess is that the odds are at least 50-50 that we will see significant cooling rather than warming in coming decades.
The probability that we are witnessing the onset of a real ice age is much less, perhaps one in 500, but not totally negligible.
All those urging action to curb global warming need to take off the blinkers and give some thought to what we should do if we are facing global cooling instead.
It will be difficult for people to face the truth when their reputations, careers, government grants or hopes for social change depend on global warming, but the fate of civilisation may be at stake.
In the famous words of Oliver Cromwell, "I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken.
Phil Chapman is a geophysicist and astronautical engineer who lives in San Francisco. He was the first Australian to become a NASA astronaut.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
More Evidence Against "Truthers"... but who cares!
Al-Qaeda accuses Iran of 9/11 lie
Al-Qaeda regularly posts audio and video tapes on the internet
Al-Qaeda's deputy leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, has blamed Iran for spreading the theory that Israel was behind the 11 September 2001 attacks.
In an audio tape posted on the internet, Zawahiri insisted al-Qaeda had carried out the attacks on the US.
He accused Iran, and its Hezbollah allies, of trying to discredit Osama Bin Laden's network.
Correspondents say the comments underline al-Qaeda's increasing public hostility towards Iran.
In a two-hour audiotape posted on an Islamist website, Osama Bin Laden's chief deputy responded to questions posted by al-Qaeda sympathisers.
In response to a question about persistent rumours in the Middle East that Israel was involved in the 9/11 attacks, Zawahiri said the rumour had begun on the Hezbollah television station, Al-Manar.
"The purpose of this lie is clear - [to suggest] that there are no heroes among the Sunnis who can hurt America as no-one else did in history, he said.
"Iranian media snapped up this lie and repeated it."
Monday, April 21, 2008
Freedom of Speech is Dying, Now in France, except for raging mullahs
The War on Brigitte Bardot
By Jacob Laksin | Monday, April 21, 2008
In the 1960s, Brigitte Bardot was France's national icon, a pouty-lipped poster girl for the glories of her home country. So it is a sign of how radically times have changed that yesterday's silver-screen darling is today's enemy of the people.
Bardot's "crimes," such as they are, are straightforward: She has committed the sin of speaking frankly and unapologetically about her country's hostile Muslim immigrant population and - what is evidently worse - questioning the compatibility of some Muslim religious practices with Western society. Common sense, one might think, or least subjects fit for fruitful debate.
Not in modern France. Last week, the erstwhile cinema siren went on trial on the charge of inciting "racial hatred against Muslims." If convicted, she could face a two-month suspended prison sentence and nearly $24,000 in fines ...
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Europe's Future: Islamization? Civil War? Assimilation and Integration?
Europe or Eurabia?
by Daniel Pipes
April 15, 2008
The future of Europe is in play. Will it turn into "Eurabia," a part of the Muslim world? Will it remain the distinct cultural unit it has been over the last millennium? Or might there be some creative synthesis of the two civilizations?
The answer has vast importance. Europe may constitute a mere 7 percent of the world's landmass but for five hundred years, 1450-1950, for good and ill, it was the global engine of change. How it develops in the future will affect all humanity, and especially daughter countries such as Australia which still retain close and important ties to the old continent.
I foresee potentially one of three paths for Europe: Muslims dominating, Muslims rejected, or harmonious integration.
Dutch Imam: Muslims Called to Hate All Infidels
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Netherlands: Radical imam teaches to hate infidels
Islam teacher Suhayb Salam from Tilburg, taught his students to hate infidels, according ot journalist Patrick Pouw in his book "Salaam! Een jaar onder orthodoxe moslims" (Salam! A year among orthodox Muslims). Suhayb is the son of Tilburg imam Ahmed Salam, who had in the past refused to shake minister Verdonk's hand.
For a year Pouw learned by the ultra-orthodox Salafist Salam, manager of the Islamic Institute for Upbringing and Education. In this institute youth are taught to be preachers of the "only true faith, Islam".
Salam hammed in ever lesson on the duty to hate unbelievers. Pouw writes in his book: "We learned that all infidels were enemies of Allah, that everybody who didn't follow Islam is an enemy of Allah. We heard that sincere love for Allah means that we must hate his enemies, and must see them as our enemies. That was nothing less than an obligation."
Salam told his students that Muslims may not report each other to the police. "Since that would mean that a non-Muslim, an infidel, would judge a Muslim."
He also advised a student who had a bible in his house to burn it.
On TV program Netwerk, Pouw tells that the students had to speak to people on the street and admonish them, for example if a girl didn't wear a headscarf or wore a short skirt.
Salam, who knew Pouw was a journalist, did not want to comment on Netwerk, but said that "all claims about inciting hate are nonsense." According to Pouw, Salam did not call for committing violence in a more direct manner.
Friday, April 18, 2008
More Info on the Cosmological Ether
Dear ------,
Thanks for the links and discussion on the ether. I've been tracking the Miller-type of ether-drift experiments, which not only got a positive result, but was confirmed (without published acknowledgement) in the Michelson-Pease-Pearson experiment atop Mt. Wilson, and that of Kennedy-Thorndike as well. More recently, Hector Munera, Yuri Galaev, Reg Cahill and others have made similar experimental detections, from what I can tell all in good general agreement with the Miller ether-velocity and drift-direction parameters. Also deWitte's work is in agreement. (And this does not even begin to address the Sagnac/Michelson-Gale experiments.) But I also note the difficulty of getting this information on-line, even though the copyrights are expired on the older historical papers. So I put together a special webpage which covers this material and offers PDF downloads of the critical items.
Please feel free to share this material around as you wish.
This listing is not finished, and is restricted to experimental papers following the Miller or Sagnac approach, or which make open discussions of them without the usual anti-scientific denigrating dismissals. If anyone has PDFs for any of the remaining papers for which no PDF is currently offered, or has a suggestion for other citations to add to this list, I'm open to hearing about it.
I've not been able to participate in the discussions, or this year's conference, but the ether question interests me greatly, as per my papers here:
Best wishes,
James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Ashland, Oregon, USA
Monday, April 14, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Another You Tube of Interest
Can't Do This in the Caliphate...
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Islamo-Fascist Awareness Week -- this week.
Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week II
By FrontPage Magazine | Tuesday, April 08, 2008
The Unholy Alliance's worst nightmare is back.
Patriotic students at more than 100 campuses will host Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week II this week, April 7-11, to educate the public about the threat of radical Islam.
Around the country, nationally known speakers will address college students on the topic of political Islam. These include author and lifelong civil rights activist David Horowitz, scholar of Islam Robert Spencer, Middle East expert Daniel Pipes, former Muslim Nonie Darwish, and Congresswoman Sue Myrick.
The centerpiece of this year's campaign is the Declaration Against Genocide. The Declaration calls on "student governments and Muslim groups" to condemn Hezbollah and Hamas, and repudiate the saying of the prophet Mohammed that redemption will only come when Muslims fight Jews and kill them, when the rocks and trees cry out Oh Muslim there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him. The charter also affirms such radical notions as:
*The right of all people to live in freedom and dignity
*The freedom of the individual conscience: to change religions or have no religion at all
*The equal dignity of women and men
*The right of all people to live free from violence, intimidation, and coercion
Students around the country will try to spread the call for this generation to respect the innate dignity of every human being. (You can read and sign the Declaration here.)
One hundred Muslim Student Associations were asked a month ago to sign the Declaration. None of them have. That is because the Muslim Student Associations are not religious or ethnic or cultural groups. They are political arms of the Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization of al-Qaeda and Hamas. As documented in a series of Frontpage articles and in the pamphlet The Muslim Student Association and the Jihad Network, the campus MSAs are part of the "soft jihad," the movement which provides moral and economic support to the terrorists and seeks to undermine the foundations of western civilization.
Young people will also view such relevant films as:
*The uncut version of the ABC miniseries The Path to 9/11. As powerful as the broadcast version was, few remember that ABC censored and suppressed part of the original film in order to placate the Clintons.
*Suicide Killers, in which French-Algerian filmmaker Pierre Rehov allowed Muslims engaging in terrorist attacks against Israel to describe their motives in their own words.
*Obsession: Radical Islam's War on the West, which includes the powerful testimony of former Muslims Walid Shoebat and Nonie Darwish but includes footage of hatred broadcast throughout the Muslim world.
*Islam: What the West Needs to Know, a documentary recounting al-Qaeda's expansive agenda and the theology shared by radical jihadists worldwide.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Global Cooling?
Global temperatures 'to decrease'
By Roger Harrabin
BBC News environment analyst
La Nina caused some of the coldest temperatures in memory in China
Global temperatures will drop slightly this year as a result of the cooling effect of the La Nina current in the Pacific, UN meteorologists have said.
The World Meteorological Organization's secretary-general, Michel Jarraud, told the BBC it was likely that La Nina would continue into the summer.
This would mean global temperatures have not risen since 1998, prompting some to question climate change theory.
But experts say we are still clearly in a long-term warming trend - and they forecast a new record high temperature within five years.
The WMO points out that the decade from 1998 to 2007 was the warmest on record. Since the beginning of the 20th Century, the global average surface temperature has risen by 0.74C.
While Nasa, the US space agency, cites 2005 as the warmest year, the UK's Hadley Centre lists it as second to 1998.
Researchers say the uncertainty in the observed value for any particular year is larger than these small temperature differences. What matters, they say, is the long-term upward trend.
Rises 'stalled'
La Nina translates from the Spanish as "The Child Girl"
Refers to the extensive cooling of the central and eastern Pacific
Increased sea temperatures on the western side of the Pacific mean the atmosphere has more energy and frequency of heavy rain and thunderstorms is increased
Typically lasts for up to 12 months and generally less damaging event than the stronger El Nino
La Nina and El Nino are two great natural Pacific currents whose effects are so huge they resonate round the world.
El Nino warms the planet when it happens; La Nina cools it. This year, the Pacific is in the grip of a powerful La Nina.
It has contributed to torrential rains in Australia and to some of the coldest temperatures in memory in snow-bound parts of China.
Mr Jarraud told the BBC that the effect was likely to continue into the summer, depressing temperatures globally by a fraction of a degree.
This would mean that temperatures have not risen globally since 1998 when El Nino warmed the world.
Watching trends
A minority of scientists question whether this means global warming has peaked and argue the Earth has proved more resilient to greenhouse gases than predicted.
Animation of El Nino and La Nina effects
But Mr Jarraud insisted this was not the case and noted that 2008 temperatures would still be well above average for the century.
"When you look at climate change you should not look at any particular year," he said. "You should look at trends over a pretty long period and the trend of temperature globally is still very much indicative of warming.
"La Nina is part of what we call 'variability'. There has always been and there will always be cooler and warmer years, but what is important for climate change is that the trend is up; the climate on average is warming even if there is a temporary cooling because of La Nina."
China suffered from heavy snow in January
Adam Scaife, lead scientist for Modelling Climate Variability at the Hadley Centre in Exeter, UK, said their best estimate for 2008 was about 0.4C above the 1961-1990 average, and higher than this if you compared it with further back in the 20th Century.
Mr Scaife told the BBC: "What's happened now is that La Nina has come along and depressed temperatures slightly but these changes are very small compared to the long-term climate change signal, and in a few years time we are confident that the current record temperature of 1998 will be beaten when the La Nina has ended."
World needs more CO2, environment confab told
'There will be significant cooling very soon,' asserts solar scientist
Posted: April 03, 2008
You could have heard a pin drop at the Hong Kong conference designed to persuade the airline industry to cut back on its production of so-called greenhouse gases to fight "global warming."
The "Greener Skies 2008" conference had just heard from David Archibald, a solar scientist asserting that climate change is mostly dictated by solar cycles, not carbon dioxide levels, as conventional wisdom suggests.
Archibald didn't just tell the group not to worry about carbon dioxide emissions. He told those gathered they should figure out ways of increasing CO2 output.
"In a few short years, we will have a reversal of the warming of the 20th century," Archibald warned, according to CargoNews Asia. "There will be significant cooling very soon. Our generation has known a warm, giving sun, but the new generation will suffer a sun that is less giving, and the earth will be less fruitful. Carbon dioxide is not even a little bit bad - it's wholly beneficial."
One observer at the February conference said there would have been fewer jaws dropping had Archibald stripped off his clothes before the assembled.
"Plant growth responds to atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment," he continued. "In a world of higher atmospheric carbon dioxide, crops will use less water per unit of carbon dioxide uptake. Thus the productivity of semi-arid lands will increase the most."
But the real shocker was not just his unorthodox view of carbon dioxide. Unlike most of those in the conference, Archibald doesn't see a future threat of global warming, but an imminent and dire future of global cooling.
"We will need this increase in agricultural productivity to offset the colder weather coming," he said. "It also follows that if the developed countries of the world want to be caring and sharing to the countries of the Third World, the best thing that could be done for them is to increase atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. It is the equivalent of giving them free phosphate fertilizer. Who would want to deny the Third World such a wonderful benefit?''
After Archibald's speech, Martin Craigs, president of Aerospace Forum Asia, went to the microphone and asked: "Don't you have Al Gore's e-mail address?" "How can you be right and 2,000 scientists wrong?"
Archibald replied: "I am happy to share the science. It's all reputable."
More on Fitna
Geert Wilders's "Fitna: The Movie"
A Review by Acharya S
The long awaited movie from Dutch politician Geert Wilders, "Fitna," opens with a quote from the Quran/Koran, surah 8:60, in English with the Arabic on the right side. In fact, pretty much the entire movie is composed of either quotes from the Koran or from other Muslim authorities, as well as images of the murder and mayhem-- the terrorism - committed all over the place by Muslim fanatics over the past decade or so. (Not enough time in the movie's 15 minutes to cover the countless previous atrocities committed in the name of Islam worldwide.) Wilders himself makes no verbal comment, only a few written sentences at the end serving as a summary and call to action. It needs to be emphasized that this movie represents words from Islamic scriptures and authorities themselves, highlighted by violence and oppression that appear to have been directly caused by those words.
Islam Movie Time
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Do we have a Cloaked Muslim as a Major Presidential Candidate?
In "Obama's Muslim connection"I wrote, that Obama's foreign policy favours accommodation to Islam. Here's more information about the Democrats' likely nominee:
1 He surrounded himself with advisers who believe that US foreign policy is controlled by Jews and this must end.
2. Obama plans to organize a Muslim summit
3. Obama Defends Columbia's Ahmadinejad Invite
4. Obama; I Would Still Meet With Ahmadinejad
5. Obama: Don't Stay in Iraq Over Genocide
6. Barack Obama Would Let Shoaib Choudhury Die
7. "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds change in an ugly direction". BARACK OBAMA from The Audacity Of Hope which is titled in Indonesia "Assault Hope: From Jakarta To The Whitehouse"?. It is arguable that "Assault Hope" means "Jihad".
8. Obama's Nation of Islam Staffers
9. Obama Served On Board That Funded Pro-Palestinian Group
10. Obama - Rezko - Auchi - Saddam Hussein?
11. Obama's Church Gives Platform to Hamas Terrorists, Questions Israel's Legitimacy
12. Obama absented himself from the Senate when Senate names Iran's army "terrorist organization" but later said he was opposed.
13. Obama's Iraq War
14. "Bomb Pakistan"
Is Mr. Obama a closeted Muslim?
Obama and Islam
Obama's Grandmother Changes Islam Story
Obama's 20-Years Minister's Hatred of America, "God Damn America", Etc.
Obama Knew of Minister's Hatreds, maybe shares them?
Oprah Winfrey was a member of the same church, but quit years ago, and then was publicly denounced by the hate-speech minister
Obama stayed in a hate-America, hate-Jews sermon, didn't walk out, and nodded in agreement
Other Ministers Note the Long-Term White-Hatred
Obama Dodges Farrakhan Issue
Obama worked with terrorist
Senator helped fund organization that rejects 'racist' Israel's existence
Terrorists Rooting for Obama
Obama raised funds for Islamic causes
Speeches for Palestinian refugees called code for Israel's destruction
Obama's Support for Islamic Sharia Law in Kenya
(Info begins near bottom of first page)
Investigate Barack Hussein Obama's Kenyan Connections!
Muslim' photo raises Obama connection questions
Linked to opposition leader who admitted plans for Islam
Obama worked with terrorist
Senator helped fund organization that rejects 'racist' Israel's existence
Obama's shifting positions
Obama and the FARC terrorists
Obama's Syrian Connection
Obama concealing anti-Israel sentiments
Another Obama Black-Racist Pastor
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Wafa Sultan, Islam Critic, Threatened With Death by "Moderates"...
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